Artist Statement
I am inspired by the immense and ever-changing world of flora and fauna all around me, creating each piece of my art by integrating real life experiences, photos, and my imagination. For over 40 years, I have lived and painted in New York City; Ithaca, New York; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Cleveland, Ohio; and now in Delray Beach, Florida.
My artwork exemplifies the symbiotic relationships between art, nature, and us. The three cannot be separated. The elements of a painting, such as paint, paper, canvas, and wood, come from the earth. Minerals that make up our bodies and guide our thought processes come from the earth. All that we are or can ever hope to be is inextricably connected to art and to nature.
L.A. Hecht Fine Art
PH: 216.538.2127
EM: [email protected]
- Atlanta VA Medical Center, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Atlanta, GA
- Central Neighborhood Clinic, Care Alliance Health, Cleveland, OH
- Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Minneapolis Institue of Art, Minneapolis, MN
- Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City, NY
- Towers Perrin, New York City, NY
- Adams Mark Hotel, Buffalo, NY
- City of Ithaca, Ithaca, NY
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
- Corning, Inc, Corning, NY
- New York Natural Gas Corporation, Corning, NY
- Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira, NY
- MD Anderson Cancer Center, Breast Clinic, Houston, TX
- MD Anderson Cancer Center, Faculty Building, Houston, TX
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Private Collection
- Iris Canton Women’s Health, Presbyterian Hospital,, New York City, NY
- US Army Facilities, Seoul, South Korea
- Harrah’s Casino, Harbor Tower, Atlantic City, NJ
- Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
- Three Village Condos, Lyndhurst, OH
- Marriott Residence Inn, Garden Grove, CA
- Cayuga Medical Center, Radiation Medicine, Ithaca, NY
- Cayuga Medical Center, East Campus Surgicare, Lansing, NY
- Cornell University, Becker Dining Hall, Ithaca, NY
- Cornell University, Bethe House, Ithaca, NY
- Don Pablo’s Restaurants, California
- Guayamas Restaurant, Rancho Mirage, CA
- Fontina Grill, Rockville, MD
- Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort, Beaver Creek, Colorado
- Houston School of Nursing UTHSC , Houston, TX
Selected One Person Shows
- Community Arts Partnership ArtSpace, Ithaca, NY
- Cleveland Botanical Gardens Guren Gallery, Cleveland, OH
- Still Point Gallery, Cleveland OH
- Murray Hill School House Gallery, Synchronal Magnitude, Cleveland, OH
- Corners Gallery, Synchronal Magnitude, Ithaca, NY
- Humphrey Atrium Gallery, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
- Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
- Boyce Thompson Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- Laurel and Laurel Show, How Art Changed the World, Ithaca, NY
- Ridgeway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Waxlander-Khadoure Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Handsel Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Franklin Furnace, New York, NY
- Maiss Galleries, Reno, NV
- Gordon Beale and Frank Gallery, Cleveland, OH
- Pyramid Arts Center, Rochester, NY
- Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY
- Dowd Art Center, SUNY, Cortland, NY
- State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
- Handwerker Gallery, Ithaca, NY
- Mather Gallery, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
- Kilcawley Art Gallery, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH
- 171 Cedar Art Center, Corning, NY
- Community School of Music and Art, Ithaca, NY
- L.A. Hecht, L.A. Hecht, Forward by William Lumpkins
- Artists Fighting AIDS, University of Pennsylvania Press
- The Ribbon Book, Lark Publishers
- Woman Artists Calendar 2002, Cedco Publishing
- Catalog front cover, Cornell University Press
Selected Group Shows
- Art in the Alley, Arts Unite, Arts Explosion 2019, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Cornell Museum of Art, Annual 6×6 Show, Delray Beach, FL
- United and Proud, Broward Library, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Arts Warehouse, Community Show, Delray Beach, FL
- River Gallery, Rocky River, OH
- Beachwood Arts Council, Beachwood, OH
- ARTneo Museum, Cleveland Creates
- Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Blackheath Gallery, Blackheath, England
- Ateneo Popular Esteban Echeuerra, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Morley Gallery, London, England
- Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, NY
- Wilde-Meyer Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
- Edith Lambert Galleries, Santa Fe, NM
- Brigitte Schluger Gallery, Denver, CO
- Bette Ridgeway Contemporary Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
- Waxlander-Khadoure Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Houshangs Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Joyce Robins Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Handsel Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Sophia Georg Gallery, Denver, CO
- La Paloma Gallery, Taos, NM
- Oxford Gallery, Rochester, NY
- Monothon, Collete of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM
- Terminal New York Show, Brooklyn, NY
- Just Above Midtown/Downtown Gallery, New York, NY
- Art on the Beach, New York, NY
- Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, GA
- Ohio State University Gallery, Columbus, OH
- Wasmer Gallery, Cleveland, OH
- Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH
- State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
- 171 Cedar Art Center, Corning, NY
- Women’s Interart Center, New York, NY
- Corners Gallery, Ithaca, NY
- Signet Gallery – Murray Hill, Cleveland, OH
- Apart Contemporary Gallery, Asbury Park, NY
- Goldfish Galleries, Sarasota, FL Wave Gallery, Key West, FL
- L.A. Hecht
- Artists Fighting AIDS
- The Ribbon Book
- Woman Artists Calendar 2002
- Catalog front cover
- Cape Cod Life
- Artnews Magazine
- Southwest Art
- Phoenix House and Garden
- Santa Fean Magazine
- Ithaca Fights AIDS, WVBR 93.5 FM CD cover
- THE Magazine, Santa Fe
- Collectors Calender, NM
- Selected New Music, Vol. 3, Clear Productions, CD cover
Selected Articles and Reviews
- Masterpiece Portraits of 35 Cats and Dogs Hanging in Osceola Park, Delray Newspaper (March 7, 2018)
- Seeing is Believing: 6 Beachwood Artists, Beachwood Buzz Magazine, Beachwood, OH (March, 2017)
“Resilient Nature” Laurel Hecht’s Unique Vision of Nature, Beachwood Buzz Magazine, Beachwood, OH (July, 2016)
- Renowned Artist Donates Artwork to Atlanta VAMC, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (August 10, 2015)
- Just Another Typical Night in Cleveland, Confabulations (February 25, 2015)
- Sari’s Tree,Confabulations (February 8, 2015)
- Crain’s Cleveland Business (January 15-21, 2010)
- The Cat’s Meow, Ithaca Times (September 5, 2007)
- Flowers Can’t Keep Secrets, Ithaca Journal, (May 4, 2006)
- Artist Is Winging It, The Sun Press, (May 19, 2005)
- Eye Opener, Ithaca Times, (Apr 13, 2005)
- This Time, This Place, Ithaca Times, (Apr 13, 2005)
- Best Bet, Ithaca Journal, (Mar 24, 2005)
- New Exhibit Explores Full Spectrum, Ithaca Times, (Jan 26, 2005)
- Winged Delight, Ithaca Times, (Oct 6, 2004)
- Review, Ithaca Journal, (Sep 9, 2004)
- The Art of Healing, Art Business News, (Sep 1, 2003)
- Painting Visual Aromas, Cleveland Jewish News, (May 30, 2003)
- Local Painter Visits Boyton School, Ithaca Journal, (Mar 13, 2003)
- Around Noon (interview), WCPM Cleveland, NPR Radio, (Jan 1, 2003)
- Cape Cod Life, Magazine, (Jul 1, 2002)
- Art Talk (Annual Issue), Provincetown Arts Magazine, (Jan 1, 2002)
- Hardy Laurels, Ithaca Times, (Sep 4, 2001)
- New Editions, Art Business News, (Sep 1, 2001)
- Front Cover, Lesbian Connection, (Sep 1, 2001)
- Art Explores Sensuality, Ithaca Journal, (Aug 9, 2001)
- A Tale of Two Laurels, Ithaca Journal, (Aug 7, 2001)
- Take a Walk on the Art Side, Solares Hill, Key West, FL, (May 11, 2001)
- America West Airlines, Magazine, (Mar 1, 1999)
- Where Magazine, Scottsdale, AZ, (Jan 1, 1999)
- Where Magazine, Scottsdale, AZ, (Nov 1, 1998)
- Article, Ithaca Journal, (Jul 9), 1998
- Review, The Leader, Corning NY, (Jul 2, 1998)
- Pasatiempo Magazine, Santa Fe New Mexican , (May 15, 1998)
- Preview, Santa Fe New Mexican / Pasatiempo, (May 9, 1997)
- Preview, Santa Fean Magazine, (May 1, 1997)
- Review, Where Magazine, Scottsdale, AZ, (Jan 1, 1997)
- 6 page article, South Air Inflight Magazine, (Sep 1, 1996)
- 6 page article, Kiwi Airlines Inflight Magazine, (Sep 1, 1996)
- Front cover and 6 page article, Reno Air Excursions Magazine, (Mar 1, 1996)
- Preview, Santa Fe New Mexican / Pasatiempo, (Jun 2, 1995)
- Review, THE Magazine of the Arts, Santa Fe, (May 1, 1995)
- Front cover, Ithaca Journal, (Jul 22, 1993)
- Review, Santa Fe New MExican / Pasatiempo, (Apr 30, 1993)
- Front cover, Ithaca Journal, (Jan 2, 1992)
- Review, Syracuse Herald, (Mar 24, 1991)
- Front cover, The Leader, Corning, NY, (Mar 8, 1991)
- Front cover, Ithaca Journal, (Apr 5, 1990)
- Cover story and article, Ithaca Times, (Sep 1, 1989)
- Cover story and article, Ithaca Journal, (May 25, 1989)
- Review, The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH, (Mar 26, 1989)
- Review, Times Union, Rochester, NY, (Mar 23, 1989)
- Review, City News, Rochester, NY, (Jan 1, 1988)
- Review, Art Papers, Atlanta GA, (May 1, 1987)
- Review, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, (Apr 12, 1987)
- Review, Ithaca Times, (Mar 5, 1987)
- Review, Dialogue Art Journal, (May 1, 1986)
- Review, New York Talk, (Nov 1, 1985)
- Weekend review, New York Times, (Sep 13, 1985)
- Review, Times Picayune, New Orleans, (May 15, 1985)
- Review, The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH, (May 10, 1985)
- Review, Alligator, (Apr 1, 1985)
- Review (Spring Issue), High Performance Magazine, (Apr 1, 1984)
- Review, Ithaca Journal, (Mar 1, 1984)
- Review, Ithaca Times, (Aug 7, 1983)
- Review, Village Voice, New York, (Jun 15, 1982)
- Review, Daily News, Cleveland, OH, (Jun 1, 1982)
BORN: Cleveland, Ohio, 1955
1974-78 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, B.F.A.
1976-78 Croydon College of Art, England
1990-2004, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Cornell Summer College, Director, Visual Art Exploration Program
2004-2009, Community Arts Partnership (Arts Council of Tompkins County, NY) Board of Trustees
New York State Council on the Arts
Artists Space, New York, NY